Sunday 13 October 2013

Week 8: October 13

First things first: I’m really excited to show you guys this indoor rainbow. I was walking down the stairs and it was just sitting on the bottom step like a little pet cat. 

That's not paint, I swear

On Friday I went to grab an earthcache at the foot of Telegraph Hill. The rock is called “greywacke”,  which I find amusing – it’s formed from chunks of various rock types, all squeezed together. This makes it very strong and resistant to pressure. I guess that explains why someone felt safe building their house on the lip of a greywacke cliff.

Friday night was our first studio recital of the semester. I performed on the program, along with friend A from home and long-time colleague K from Medicine Hat. I quite enjoyed listening to my colleagues play – everyone had successful performances and I felt that my own was successful as well. At any rate, Ian said that he was proud of me, which is all the assurance I need. After the recital a group of us went out to eat at one of those restaurants which serve small, expensive dishes and incredibly fancy alcoholic beverages. Had I known in advance what the price to volume ratio would be, I believe I would have passed. Oh well.

Now here is something I saw in the metro station the other day, which brought to mind a conversation I had with a good friend last spring. She had asked me for my opinion on purple carrot juice, and I had replied that I was highly skeptical of its existence. Well no more. This one’s for you, J.

GMO, much??

Yesterday M and I mounted an expedition to the California Historical Society, found an indoor geocache and poked around some of the interesting exhibits. The hand-drawn architectural plans looked so crude compared with modern computer-generated plans. It’s funny to think of how recent those hand-drawn plans actually are and how quickly we became dependent on computers.

You can tell it's a legit cache because of the green "Official Geocache" sticker on the lid.

 Treasure time!! That ticket stub is M's contribution. The toothbrush made us laugh. Great swag.

Model of Marin Headlands. This is where SF was originally going to be built.

Tonight after my rehearsal I'm going to a colleague's house for Thanksgiving. She's Canadian, and most of the Canadian students are going. So Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

- Antisocial Violinist

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