Sunday 10 November 2013

Week 12: November 10

Here's something funny that came out in this week's student newsletter.

Nothing terribly exciting happened this week, as I was sick for most of it and didn't attend any notable performances, and nothing specially funny or memorable happened. I slept a lot and dragged myself to classes, rehearsals etc. So I think it's an appropriate time to show you a little of my everyday life, nothing special or exciting, just life. I'm sure you can all relate.

GGH, home sweet home
Lobby entrance - you can just make out "Golden Gate Hall" on the awning
The dive bar next door - I pity the kids that live directly above it
The fudge shop next to the dive bar. I have to walk past here several times a day...
I'm always mystified by how the graffiti artists managed to get up there

This is what I use now instead of Calgary Transit.

Ok, that's weird......

There you have my little commute between home and school. I will now proceed to show you around SFCM itself.

It's Prep Division day in the atrium

Student lounge on the fifth floor

I missed this, which made me sad.

Unfortunately this is how we advertise ourselves....

Sixth floor terrace

Sixth floor library, decked out  for fall

It's common at music schools to have seats, studios and practice rooms dedicated to donors, in recognition of their support. In some of these cases, the plaques outside the practice rooms make you look twice.

And there you have it, my uninteresting daily life.

Oh yeah, I guess I did do something fun, yesterday I went to the beach with M and N. Had a really great time.

That's the edge of the Sunset District

M on the left, N on the right

We spotted this in the middle of a residential neighbourhood, several blocks from the beach

- Antisocial Violinist

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