Sunday 16 February 2014

Week 21: February 16

Interesting Things I Did This Week:
- found out that the reason Ian snorts when he laughs is because his father's from New Jersey
- went sightseeing in the Byzantine Empire
- fought and defeated a frost giant
- watched a colleague's junior recital (many of you know this girl, originally from Armstrong BC)
- single-handedly knocked down a whole bridge, rebuilt it, knocked it down again and re-rebuilt it
- watched four great civilizations build themselves from scratch and then make violent war against each other

Uninteresting Things I Did This Week:

- attended Western Civilization classes
- chipped a whole lot of ice out of our freezer
- accidentally knocked my violin bridge over TWICE while trying to straighten it
- managed to put the bridge back in the same place (I think)
- was introduced to the online multiplayer game "Age of Empires" by Maddy, Nick, Paul and Oscar

If you look closely, you might be able to spot a few parallels between the two lists above. You may choose which you believe - for myself, the first list is unquestionably preferable.

Friday was Valentine's Day and while striking the orchestra after rehearsal I came across this on one of the stands.

My kind of valentine

Also I would like to (finally) introduce you to my humble little parish on Fell Street, of which I have grown quite fond. The community is small, close-knit and very friendly, and many of the parishioners have been attending here for their whole lives.

Little place squeezed between buildings....easy to miss

They have to gate it to discourage vandals

Ta-daa....the teeny temple

I usually sit up here in the balcony with the choir and organ. That's my music on the stand
View from the balcony. I think that dome with the cross looks like a scoop of ice cream

The parish hall, which ALWAYS has Christmas decorations up, no matter the season. Must be because it's "Church of the Nativity"

Things I can't read

More things I can't read

Here is something funny my mother sent me. If you are not a musician, my apologies. Please email me for an explanation of the joke.

- Antisocial Violinist

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