Sunday 23 March 2014

Week 26: March 23

Discovered another of SF's secret-cool-spots this week.

Most fun I've had in over a month

For bibliophiles: I picked up Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, finished it and am looking forward to Year of the Flood. If you know this trilogy, feel free to email me with your thoughts. If you don't, I highly recommend checking them out.

Elisabeth Reed (viola da gamba teacher) brought in one of her own tenor viols for me to use. When I first tried it (in her words): "Wow, suddenly you don't have a cold anymore!!" So, new viol for me. Yay!

This is one bad-*** case


This morning I went to the airport and picked up my partner-in-crime. I had to take her to a cello lesson in Forest Hills this afternoon, so I seized the opportunity to drag her up Mt Davidson, which, believe it or not, is the highest point in the City and County of San Francisco. A lot of hills are more famous (Telegraph, Russian, Nob, Bernal, Twin Peaks) but little overlooked Davidson actually has the greatest elevation above sea level.

The partner-in-crime loves photobombing

At the peak

"I can see my house from here!"

Partner-in-crime digging for a cached treasure

Partner-in-crime lost her balance


They have a "Sunrise Service" here every Easter. At 5:30am or so. Tempting.

Memorial to the Armenian genocide. There's Armenian on it. Can you hear me, Eva??

The PIC got crowned with a stick

PIC wants to make sure I say that SHE spotted this.

We had a good time. I will probably let her write a guest post in about the middle of the week.

- Antisocial Violinist

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