Monday 7 April 2014

Week 28: April 6

During the week Maddy and I did a mini-expedition downtown. Our mission was to pass through the Bamboo Alley and locate a treasure. Treasure had gone missing, but we found some cool stuff anyway.

These circle-thingies REVOLVED.

We don't know the purpose of this, but it was still fun

Bamboo Alley

The Pixel People

Maddy climbed inside......

So of course I had to climb inside too.

Matching faces #1

Matching faces #2


Had an unintended group lesson on Friday. Maddy had her lesson for the first hour, then Maddy and I had my lesson for the second hour, then Maddy, me and Noori had Noori's lesson for the third hour. I really like group lessons. It's high-energy, and we can help each other a lot.

Went to the Embarcadero and Bayview on Saturday. There was a sort of mini farmer's market set up at Pier 1 (I mean the market was miniature, not the farmers) and I found this oddly shaped lemon.

Then I continued into Bayview, and as I walked south, had the unusual experience of being the only white person as far as I could see in every direction. I enjoy this. It turns the paradigms around. Now I know what black people feel like in YYC.

Found a train bridge with a tunnel that looked like it could have come out of a book if it weren't for the litter and graffiti.

There are a lot of things in the works at the moment - work I am doing which will produce awesome results eventually, which I will tell you about, but which isn't interesting enough in itself to warrant notation.

I should be practicing my violin more so everybody please text/email/call me and yell at me until I do some work. I feel such shame that I'm going to truncate my signature because I feel that I don't quite deserve it.

- Antisocial

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